Try your hand at ceramics with Pottery Experiences


We believe the best way to learn to throw pots is to get your hands dirty... quite literally!  Our experience workshops are tailored to meet the needs of your small group; in fact you'll have exclusive use of our modern and well equipped studio, and dedicated attention from an experienced potter. This means you'll not only learn more about the techniques involved, but crucially you'll get far more time on the wheel than you would with typical pottery courses! 

 Try something different and book an experience today!



Experience days

Whether you're an absolute beginner or seasoned potter looking to get back behind the wheel, our experience days are a fun and relaxing way to enjoy the art of Pottery!

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Meet john

John has been potting for decades and is never happier than when he's up to his elbows in mud. He built his home studio in 2010, and began teaching workshops in 2016.

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